Date: 1941 Aug 02/03 A/C Type: Wellington IC SN: R1800 Code: SR-T A/C Nickname:
 File: 62 Airforce: RAF Sqn/Unit:  101 Sqn Mission/Raid: Hamburg
1 Pilot Sgt. William R. Davey                MIA 9    
2 CP/nav Sgt. Wilson Watson                   MIA 10    
3 Fl Eng/AG Sgt. Lawrence Hill                      MIA 11    
4 WO/AG Sgt. Gordon Alan Smith            MIA 12    
5 WO/AG Sgt. William Horace Walker    buried Leeuwarden 13    
6 Rear gunner Sgt. Thomas C. Quinlan            buried Scharl 14    
7     15    
8     16                    

German nightfighter reported that the Wellington exploded. 1km NW Stavoren. On route to Hamburg.


An explosion would explain why only the upper (Walker) and rear gunner were found in the water (Sgt. Quinlan on 14 August 1941). 
This reduces the chance that the other (MIA) four crew members washed ashore as complete bodies and were buried as unknown airmen on this coastline.
Most of the bomb load can still be in this position on the lake bottom, with possible human remains entangled in aircraft debris.  
See also our cemetery-file onLeeuwarden:

And cemetery Scharl:


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